Sunday, October 14, 2007

What a weekend! We had a neighbors three year old with us today, so Franklin and I decided to brave an outing with three kids. One 4, one 3, and one 1----I took a nap when we got back! We went to a local "farm" and took a hayride and then trekked through a 12 acre pumpkin patch searching for the perfect pumpkins. It was fun. We won't do it next year.
Caleb and Ashlynn painted their pumpkins today also. She has mastered the art of stick figures, so hers proudly sports a picture of me, her daddy, her brother and herself. Too cute! Caleb wasn't sure what to think of the painting until I showed him how to finger paint it, but once he got going it was a glorious splatter of purple!
We're heading to the beach with some friends for the weekend on Thursday. The men are going deep sea fishing and us ladies are going shopping! (no, I haven't changed at all!) It'll be nice to get away for 4 days.
Also, my niece will be joining the world this Tuesday. I'm taking the morning off to go wait for her arrival! :)

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