Friday, February 27, 2009

Moving News

So, after much drama from the current owners (he wouldn't sign until the bank signed, and the bank wouldn't sign until he signed. Then the inspection turned up minor things that they didn't feel they should fix--but are now!), we are getting close to the day. We get the keys on Thursday. I'm trying to get utilities in order, get Ashlynn registered in the new school, pulled out of the other, and registered in afterschool care. We're taking a half day on Friday, so we can begin the process of painting a lavender master bedroom and bath--even the ceiling! Then, we're ripping carpet out of the upstairs bathroom and replacing with tile. Yuck! I guess there are some advantages to being in the home improvement industry for so long (Steph-you and Matt want to come help? :) ). We're hoping to have all that "fun" stuff done by the following Wed, so we can be settled by the following weekend.

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